Group Benefits Insurance in NJ
Group Insurance Policies in New Jersey
Keller Insurance Services provides an all-In-One Solution for Employee Benefits, Payroll, Commercial Insurance, Human Resources and Benefit Communications. Our partner, Alliance Benefit Solutions helps to ensure that instead of filling your days with answering questions, fixing issues, getting quotes, finding vendors you can to what you do best and we’ll take care of the rest.
New Jersey Health Insurance
It’s essential for you to have health insurance whether you’re suffering a horrible case of the flu, your son broke his arm or you need to find the root cause of your stomach pain. However, too many New Jersey residents are going through life without health insurance. Finding an affordable individual or family health insurance policy is a main reason why people choose this risky road, but inexpensive options are available from your independent agent.
Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy among Americans, and with new legislation going into effect in the coming years, it’s essential for everyone to have health insurance that meets the legal minimums. Keller Insurance Services assists residents of Mantua, Mullica and Mickelton in finding appropriate health insurance policies for themselves or their families. With Keller Insurance Services, we can find the best rates for numerous policies from the top health insurance providers in the country.
In addition to comparing insurance premium quotes, you can lower your premiums by taking steps to increase your health. Individuals who quit smoking or lose weight will find that, over time, their premiums for health insurance go down since healthier people tend to have fewer health care costs. Another simple way to get a discount is to bundle your other insurance policies with the same company. If your homeowners and auto insurance are from the same provider, then they might be able to give you a lower rate on health insurance, too.
For help in understanding which health insurance policy is best for you, contact us at Keller Insurance Services. An independent agent can answer all of your insurance related questions and are here to help you find the most suitable insurance policy for your needs, at the most affordable prices.
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
New Jersey Life Insurance
Life insurance in the state of New Jersey is not a requirement, but many Mantua residents find that it is still a necessity for personal peace of mind. Even a young individual can benefit from a life insurance policy in Mickelton because it ensures that loved ones will not struggle financially if an accident or sudden death occurs.
Types of Coverage
When you are looking for a life insurance policy, you have two basic options available: term and whole life. Term life refers to a policy that provides coverage for a set period of time. You can select a specific time period, such as 10 to 15 years, and then have protection for that period. When the period expires, you need to renew the plan or find a new plan. The benefit of term coverage is that you will not pay a large fee.
Whole life does not have the same limitations on time, but it usually costs more for the same amount of protection. The key difference is that the policy will continue forward until a death occurs. Since it has fewer limitations and complications, it is usually a better option for older individuals or those who have a pre-existing condition.
Who Needs the Coverage?
Although the coverage is useful, it may or may not be necessary for your goals or needs. In most cases, the rule of thumb is that if you want to leave money behind for a loved one, charity or other group, then coverage is recommended. If you do not have dependents and you do not want to leave any funds behind for a charity, then it might not be a necessity.
When you are ready to review life insurance options in Mullica, talk to an independent agent through a professional agency like Keller Insurance Services. As your agent, we are available whenever you have questions, concerns or want to know more about your policy options. We can help you find the best rates available for your needs, so contact us to speak to an independent agent today.
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