What New Car Owners Should Know about Auto Insurance

Obtaining a driver’s license and the car is a step towards greater independence. Before you take off with your newfound freedom, however, don’t forget to purchase auto insurance. Auto insurance will protect you, your vehicle and others against accidents on the road. At Keller Insurance Services in West Deptford, NJ, we can help you select auto coverage suited to your budget and lifestyle.

Car Insurance Requirements for New Jersey

New Jersey is a “no-fault” state, meaning car owners are required to obtain Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. If you (or your passengers) are injured in an accident, this insurance will help cover your medical costs, regardless of who’s at fault.

You’re also required to have a minimum of $5,000 property damage liability coverage to cover the cost of damage to someone else’s vehicle if you’re responsible for an accident.

As a new car owner and driver, you may want to obtain more than the bare minimum PIP and liability coverage to protect yourself against serious accidents.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is optional in New Jersey. It covers the cost of repairing your vehicle in the event of an accident. If you’ve taken out a loan for your vehicle, your lender may require that you obtain collision coverage to protect his interests.

Ideally, this coverage should be enough to repair or replace your vehicle in the event of a total loss. If you choose a high deductible for this coverage, you’ll pay less for your premium.


Comprehensive insurance protects your car against theft, vandalism, and damage caused by adverse weather. If you’re into road trips or travel long distances for work or pleasure, this coverage can come in handy to protect you on the road.

For greater insight into car insurance options and costs, contact Keller Insurance Services in West Deptford, NJ.